Approach: The Pyramid Model

This project will focus on increasing the knowledge and expertise of publicly funded providers using the Pyramid Model related to Tier 1 or Universal Positive Behavior Supports which includes Nurturing and Responsive Relationships and creating High Quality Supportive Environments, and Tier 2: Targeted Social Emotional Supports.
Track 1: Tier 1 - Nurturing and Responsive Relationships and Creating High Quality Supportive Environments
Core Trainings in Evidence Based Practices
Trauma Aware Training for ECE Providers
9 hours, Lakeside Global Institute
The Pyramid Model Tier 1: Setting up Children for Success
Half Day, Lakeshore Learning
Keep Calm and Create a Calming Corner!
90 minutes, Lakeshore Learning
SPARK QSC Trainings
Classroom Organization and Daily Routines
2 hours
Developmentally Appropriate Behaviors in Preschool
2 hours
Track 2: Tier 2 - Targeted Emotional Supports
Core Trainings in Evidence Based Practices
Trauma Aware Training for ECE Providers
9 hours, Lakeside Global Institute
The Pyramid Model Tier 2: Targeted Emotional Supports
Half Day, Lakeshore Learning
Keep Calm and Create a Calming Corner!
90 minutes, Lakeshore Learning
SPARK QSC Trainings
Implementing a Social Emotional Curriculum
"Second Step"
Elwyn Trainings
Introduction to Preschool Early Intervention
How to Make a Preschool Early Intervention Referral
Understanding EI Services in the ECE Classroom
Summer Symposium
Trainings and activities to promote teacher wellness
Provider Roundtable
Preventing Suspension and Expulsion- Facilitated Conversation
Key Note or Opening Plenary Address
Abbreviated Sessions of Virtual Trainings
Onsite Coaching or Consultation Support - School Year 2024-2025
How to Create a Calming Corner
Classroom Organization and Establishing Daily Routines
Implementing Second Step Curriculum
Implementing Pyramid Model Practices using the TPOT Assessment
Asynchronous Trainings -
School Year 2024-2025
Building an Effective Workforce
Trauma Aware Training for ECE Providers
9 hours, Lakeside Global Institute
Trauma Responsive Training for ECE Providers
10 hours (not available until September 2024)
The Pyramid Model Tier 1: Setting up Children for Success
Half Day, Lakeshore Learning
The Pyramid Model Tier 2: Targeted Emotional Supports
The Pyramid Model Tier 3: Understanding, Preventing, and Responding to Challenging Behavior
Promoting Positive Behaviors in the Preschool Environment
Keep Calm and Create a Calming Corner!
90 minutes, Lakeshore Learning